I am going to share how to add rainbow effect on blog links but the main concept is to add rainbow effect which use different color gamut. Its not actually rainbow because it shows only 4 to 5 color instead 7. Rainbow effect make your blog little attractive that can convert a dull or text base blog.
Go to blogger.com Template
Now find ]]></b:skin> by Pressing
Ctrl + FGo to blogger.com Template
Now find ]]></b:skin> by Pressing
And Paste the below code after/below ]]></b:skin>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var rate = 5;
if (document.getElementById)
window.onerror=new Function("return true")
var objActive;
var act = 0;
var elmH = 0;
var elmS = 128;
var elmV = 255;
var clrOrg;
var TimerID;
if (document.all) {
document.onmouseover = doRainbowAnchor;
document.onmouseout = stopRainbowAnchor;
else if (document.getElementById) {
document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEOVER | Event.MOUSEOUT);
document.onmouseover = Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor;
document.onmouseout = Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor;
function doRainbow(obj)
if (act == 0) {
act = 1;
if (obj)
objActive = obj;
objActive = event.srcElement;
clrOrg = objActive.style.color;
TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);
function stopRainbow()
if (act) {
objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
act = 0;
function doRainbowAnchor()
if (act == 0) {
var obj = event.srcElement;
while (obj.tagName != 'A' && obj.tagName != 'BODY') {
obj = obj.parentElement;
if (obj.tagName == 'A' || obj.tagName == 'BODY')
if (obj.tagName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
objActive = obj;
act = 1;
clrOrg = objActive.style.color;
TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);
function stopRainbowAnchor()
if (act) {
if (objActive.tagName == 'A') {
objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
act = 0;
function Mozilla_doRainbowAnchor(e)
if (act == 0) {
obj = e.target;
while (obj.nodeName != 'A' && obj.nodeName != 'BODY') {
obj = obj.parentNode;
if (obj.nodeName == 'A' || obj.nodeName == 'BODY')
if (obj.nodeName == 'A' && obj.href != '') {
objActive = obj;
act = 1;
clrOrg = obj.style.color;
TimerID = setInterval("ChangeColor()",100);
function Mozilla_stopRainbowAnchor(e)
if (act) {
if (objActive.nodeName == 'A') {
objActive.style.color = clrOrg;
act = 0;
function ChangeColor()
objActive.style.color = makeColor();
function makeColor()
// Rainbow widget by www.tricksteacher.blogspot.com//
if (elmS == 0) {
elmR = elmV; elmG = elmV; elmB = elmV;
else {
t1 = elmV;
t2 = (255 - elmS) * elmV / 255;
t3 = elmH % 60;
t3 = (t1 - t2) * t3 / 60;
if (elmH < 60) {
elmR = t1; elmB = t2; elmG = t2 + t3;
else if (elmH < 120) {
elmG = t1; elmB = t2; elmR = t1 - t3;
else if (elmH < 180) {
elmG = t1; elmR = t2; elmB = t2 + t3;
else if (elmH < 240) {
elmB = t1; elmR = t2; elmG = t1 - t3;
else if (elmH < 300) {
elmB = t1; elmG = t2; elmR = t2 + t3;
else if (elmH < 360) {
elmR = t1; elmG = t2; elmB = t1 - t3;
else {
elmR = 0; elmG = 0; elmB = 0;
elmR = Math.floor(elmR).toString(16);
elmG = Math.floor(elmG).toString(16);
elmB = Math.floor(elmB).toString(16);
if (elmR.length == 1) elmR = "0" + elmR;
if (elmG.length == 1) elmG = "0" + elmG;
if (elmB.length == 1) elmB = "0" + elmB;
elmH = elmH + rate;
if (elmH >= 360)
elmH = 0;
return '#' + elmR + elmG + elmB;
Now save your template and enjoy :)
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